In the "call and response" stream this blog by Sam is the ultimate "response". He responds to posted material with lightning speed, immediately multiplying it to its tenth exponential by finding and posting the best visual case studies from less obvious sources like United Arab Emirates Flickr accounts and Australian television. In R-U-In?S your geographical location is a huge asset, as it gives you access to different corners of various world views and media archives. On equal ground, though, is your location in the informational/product exchange route, as the presented meme continually mutates while it passes through the "infected" reblogs. Each new infection is a chance for the content to strengthen or dilute itself. In his case, this infection is instantaneous and provokes extremely seductive and fetishized results. From Tumblr to Tumblr, database to database, the relationship with Visual-Aids is the one most like an S.T.D.